Friday, March 27, 2009

The second selection, "Ten Coins"

This week I'll cover the Ten Of Pentacles.

Source Sentance: He is now rising from affluence to poverty. "Mark Twain"
Context: I'm going to say poverty is the opposite of poverty, where poverty means lack of wealth. So I would have to say affluence means having a plethora of wealth.
Definition: n- abundance of money, property, and other material goods; riches; wealth.
Original Sentence: Thomas Crapper had an affluence of effluence.

Source Sentance: We cling to our own point of view, as though everything depended on it. Yet our opinions have no permanence; like autumn and winter, they gradually pass away. "Zhuangzi"
Context: In this passage, permanence it is described as not temporary.
Definition: n- the condition or quality of being permanent; perpetual or continued existence.
Original Sentence: With the ongoing years of national debt, it almost seems like a permanence.

Source Sentance: By ratifying the Convention, governments become legally bound to implement the rights therein. "Carol Bellamy"
Context: This would seem like an agreement that is put forth by a legal body that is voted to be ratified.
Definition: n- an agreement, compact, or contract.
Original Sentence: The magicians had a convention that none would reveal their secrets.

1. Job shadow Greg or Kyle
2. Sign off my hours
3. Get out of the house


  1. Okay, the "affluence of effluence" is a mental picture I did not need! ;)

  2. You don't know what "convention" means?
