Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The third entry

Source Sentence: "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." -Mother Teresa

Context: I would have to say contradiction, that's all I can say.

Definition: n. a: a statement that is seemingly contradictory or opposed to common sense and yet is perhaps true b: a self-contradictory statement that at first seems true c: an argument that apparently derives self-contradictory conclusions by valid deduction from acceptable premises

Original Sentence: A paradox in society would be that prepared plans go exactly the way they should.


Source Sentence: "The juggernaut -- the best and biggest military force in the world -- lumbers on, doing what it knows how to do best. It is unwilling to rethink its future, unable to let go of the past. Like the shark, it must keep feeding, only now it is feeding on itself. - William Greider

Context: An unstoppable force.

Definition: n. a massive inexorable force, campaign, movement, or object that crushes whatever is in its path

Original Sentence: The criminal's car was a juggernaut passing police barricade after barricade.


Source Sentence: "The transformation scene, where man is becoming insect and insect has become at least man and beyond that - a flying, godlike, shimmering, diaphanous, beautiful creature." -Michael O'Donoghue

Context: With the other characteristics, outstanding beauty comes to mind.

Definition: adj. characterized by such fineness of texture as to permit seeing through

Original Sentence: The star on our Christmas tree seemed diaphanous when we lit it on Christmas day.

1 Go get my taxes done
2 Find out when I need to get training for Olive Pit
3 Try to relax, maybe hot tubing?


Think of an event in your life....
The first one that comes to mind is when I was still in high school giving a presentation to my class. The topic was community service and the one that I chose to do was foster care. I did my time, done my research, and prepared my project. I proceeded to tell the class of my experience volunteering Kinship Center, a local foster care center where I used to live, which I explained was very enjoyable. A normal presentation, so far. Then I continued to what foster care does and why exists (for those who don't know, just ask me.) I told them stories of victims and participants I found on the web and of statistics concerning foster care. During this time I could see the solemn faces grow as I went along while they wondered as I kept a strait face throughout. Then finally came the Q&A of the presentation. I believe 90% of the students didn't know what a foster child was, so there was a pause until the teacher pushed a question that I don't remember so the kids can get their participation points. After my answer I saw a hand slowly rise from the students. "What made you so interested in foster care?" The question was somewhat subtle but my answer was blunt ", because I'm a foster kid." Without missing a beat I felt as if all their eyes barraged me with that all too familiar sad sympathy. I didn't tell them the circumstances of why I personally was in the situation I was in, but I don't think my teacher would let me tell them after such an emotional depression I have already put onto the class.

1 comment:

  1. I was a respite care provider for a couple of young girls in the foster care system a few years ago. That entire situation really opened my eyes. I think it is great that you shared with your class (and with this class). It is a powerful story.
