Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Source sentence: The phrase Halcyon days is a literary commonplace in English language and culture, signifying ideals of prosperity, bonhomie, joy, liberation, or tranquility.

Context: ideals of prosperity, bonhomie, joy, liberation, or tranquility.

Definition: a: calm, peaceful b: happy, golden c: prosperous, affluent

Original Sentence: The halcyon of spring is the essence of tranquility.

Source sentence: International action under the aegis of UNICEF held at Rukhnama school.

Context: Supervision?

2 a
: protection aegis of the Constitution> b: controlling or conditioning influence aegis of benevolent permissiveness…actually neglect their children — Time>
3 a
: auspices, sponsorship aegis of the museum> b: control or guidance especially by an individual, group, or system

Original Sentence: The aegis of the small town was the steep hills surrounding it.

Source sentence: A polyglot region without a clearly dominant culture may develop an artifical lingua franca, such as Pidgin English in the South Sea.

Context: Composing of multiple cultures

Definition: speaking or writing several languages

Original Sentence: Living in small countries in Europe, one must be a polyglot when traveling distances for close trade.

1. Fix bike
2. Study menu
3. Don't stress out during the presentation

How are you doing in your classes? What do you need to do to continue to be successful? What challenges do you face? What have you learned about reading, study skills, or yourself in this class that will help you in the next few weeks?

It seems things are becoming more and more accelerator as the semester goes on. I don't mind it if things on the home front were not so hectic. Between work and taking care of my sister and series of unfortunate events after event, it seems I just can't keep up. But I guess I'll find some way to cope with the crazy going on around me. Sometimes I wonder how I do it, or how this even happens to me. I guess being more organized would help, but I have some issues with that on a personal level. The greatest challenge I would have to overcome this semester is the fact that I have to finish this semester, and not only reading but my theatre classes as well. It seems to be over encumbering in the big picture, but with time it is manageable... I hope.
What I have learned about reading for myself is the fact that it is okay to read things more than one or even twice. I felt somewhat embarrassed about doing that on my own, but when we were forced to read something again it wasn't to bad. And I don't feel bad when skimming for information as well. In the next few weeks I see the skills we learned come together in the short weeks we have left. Saddening, but inevitable.

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